Why Muscles: Growing

Q:Why Muscles Grow ?

 first,What is the size of a muscle ?
The number of fibers
The muscles are composed of a large amount of fiber. The first parameter that determines the size of the muscle is the number of fibers therein. However, this number seems out of control. During infancy, the human body produces hormones spurred a number of these muscle cells (ie hyperplasia), then the number of these cells stabilizes almost permanently.

why muscles size is determined ? 

 It is important to understand that the quality and range of our growth during our childhood greatly determine our future ability to sculpt our bodies according to our desires with more or less ease. This is what can be considered as a potential genetic basis.

The fiber diameter

why muscles cell ?
The second parameter that determines the size of the muscle is a muscle cell volume, ie, the diameter of the fibers. This number depends on the diameter and the thickness of the motor units (why muscles: myofibrils) within the fiber. Through training and nutrition can affect the diameter by increasing the number of myofibrils or making them thicker.
how and Why muscles grow ?

why muscles volumizing ?

 The process of volumizing the muscle fibers is a mécanilsme adaptation to physical tests required by the body. You've probably heard that a broken bone becomes thicker and stronger by repairing to the location of the fracture. This is (basically) the same law for our muscle fibers.why muscles said that Practicing bodybuilding regularly we inflict permanent stress our muscle fibers.

why muscles acclimatize ?

 Following intensive training, muscle fibers remain for a time partially and locally damaged. During recovery, the muscle fibers will be repaired with materials that we will bring them, (Why Muscles:the protein). For each repair, the muscle fibers will thicken in places a little more than in the past and repair it to make the strongest fiber in anticipation of possible future harm.

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