Creatine Side Effects

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- Creatine Side Effects.
- Creatine Monohydrate Side Effects.

 Creatine has become the most effective and popular nutritional supplement among people wishing to build muscle or improve performance. Creatine side effects However, concerns remain about its safety. creatine monoydrate side effects Side effects attributed to creatine are they real or unfounded?

Creatine side effects
Creatine is a very popular supplement. It accelerates gains in muscle and strength compared to exercise alone.
In a 12-week study, conducted by Volek and his team of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, creatine users have better results with weight training squat and bench press from users who did that placebo [1]. Creatine side effects They also recorded two times more muscle gains.

Creatine side effects
Side effects with creatine?
We often hear that creatine gives cramps, muscle spasms and contractions. However, in a 3-year study whose aim was to see whether or not it resulted in this type of side effects, creatine has not been shown to affect injury or cramps practitioners football [2 ].

Creatine side effects
Research published in the journal "Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise" showed similar results. Creatine side effects In this study a group of 26 athletes for 4 years, we compared the incidence of injuries and muscle cramps in athletes who took creatine or not. There was no difference between groups [3].

Creatine side effects
A more recent 2004 study published in the "International Journal of Sports Medicine" also showed that the side effects of creatine are rare [4]. Creatine side effects In this study, a group of 175 people received daily 10 grams of creatine or placebo for a period of 310 days. Only three of those tested had to stop testing due to nausea or diarrhea. creatine monoydrate side effects For the rest, there was no differences between the two groups in terms of side effects.

Creatine side effects
Researchers at the University of Truman also found that long-term supplementation of creatine has shown safe [5]. In this study, 23 members of a football team were divided into two groups, one with and one without creatine. creatine monoydrate side effects, Athletes creatine group took 14g of creatine per day for 3 years and the researchers found no deleterious effects on the kidney or liver.

Creatine side effects
All of these data shows that creatine is not hazardous to health, but does not definitively conclude that creatine is 100% sure. creatine monoydrate side effects, We have not found strong evidence linking creatine uptake to the deterioration of digestive functions, cardiovascular, muscle, kidney or liver [6]. However, an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. creatine monoydrate side effects, There are cases of people suffering from kidney after using creatine [7]. People with health problems or weaknesses in the liver or kidneys should consult before supplement creatine.

Creatine side effects
Currently, there is no reason to oppose taking creatine by athletes healthy. creatine monoydrate side effects This is considered an effective and safe aid to improve performance.

Creatine side effects
The positive effects of creatine
If the side effects of creatine supposedly are often mentioned in the press or specialized magazines, most people are unaware that it can have beneficial and protective effects.Creatine side effects

Creatine side effects
Taking creatine for several months in men and women with high cholesterol lowers bad cholesterol by almost a third. creatine monoydrate side effects [8] Similar results were reported in the journal Metabolism. creatine monoydrate side effects, Taking creatine for 28 days combined with strengthening exercises has lowered cholesterol levels significantly more than the group without creatine. creatine monoydrate side effects [9]

Creatine side effects
Creatine increases bone mass has been demonstrated in a study conducted in men aged 70 years on average. creatine monoydrate side effects, Dr. Chruch indicated that creatine supplementation combined with a training program could record a 3.2% increase in rates of bone mineral.

Creatine side effects
Studies show it improves as the memory of general intelligence. creatine monoydrate side effects, A study showed that people under creatine appear much better scores on tests of memory and IQ. Creatine influence brain performance by increasing brain energy capacity.