Muscles tremble : Why sometimes some of our muscles tremble, quiver and not arrettent is? A lack of magnesium?

Two assumptions:

° A lack of magnesium causes nerve and muscle excitability, with onset of cramps, tingling, exaggerated sensitivity to stress, arterial spasms, insomnia, increased heart rate, allergic reactions, dizziness, headaches, anxiety, arousal, mental fatigue and muscles tremble , coldness in cold and wet weather (Raynaud's syndrome).
Magnesium deficiency is favored by stress, dieting, diuretics treatment, diabetes, pregnancy and lactation, the abuse of alcohol, coffee or tea, intensive muscle work ...then your muscles tremble .

° To spamophilies crises.
The hyperventilation syndrome is a combination hypersensitive and anxious state, psychological and physiological.

Tip to avoid muscles tremble :
- learn to breathe calmly in a crisis.
- Sessions of relaxation therapy is significant.