What is it ?
Eat well for the type of diet encourages people to eat certain foods and avoid others based on their blood type - A, B, AB or O.
J. Peter D'Adamo, ND, author of Eat Right for Your Type: The Solution custom diet to stay healthy, live longer and reach your ideal weight, believes blood types affect the digestive system and good food people one type is "dangerous" for the other.
eat right for your blood type
Goes beyond D'Adamo, a naturopath, who believes that in your blood type also determines your susceptibility to certain diseases and how you should exercise.
eat right for your blood type
Critics cite the lack of published evidence eating style D'Adamo blood. eat right for your blood type "I know of no possible justification behind the regime," said John Foreyt, PhD, a researcher at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
eat right for your blood type
This diet may suit those enthusiastic about a plan that does not involve tracking calories or fat grams, while others may find it difficult to stay within the limits of power, an even greater challenge if more than one person in a household follows the diet - and has a different blood type.
What you can eat on this diet
What you eat - and how you exercise - on this diet depends on who you are.
If you're blood type O ("for old," as in most ancient lineage of humanity) your digestive tract retains the memory of ancient times, says D'Adamo, so you're metabolism will benefit from lean meats , poultry and fish. eat right for your blood type You are advised to limit cereals, breads and legumes, and to enjoy vigorous exercise.
Type A ("for Rural") thrives on vegetarian diets, "the inheritance of the more stable and less warlike farmer ancestors," says D'Adamo. Power type A contains soy protein, grains and vegetables and encourages gentle exercise.
The nomadic blood type B has a tolerant digestive system and can enjoy low-fat dairy products, products of meat, but others should avoid wheat, corn and lentils, D'Adamo said. If you're type B, it is recommended that you exercise moderately. eat right for your blood type
The "modern" blood type AB has a sensitive digestive tract and should avoid chicken, beef and pork but enjoy seafood, tofu, dairy products and other products. eat right for your blood type fitness regime on ABS is calming exercises.
How the system works
D'Adamo rejects the idea that a single regime for all. eat right for your blood type With four unique type of blood, why should we have four specialized diet plans, he asks.
Eat right for your blood type comes down to lectins, food proteins each blood type digests differently, D'Adamo said.
If you eat foods that are incompatible with the type lectins blood, he said, may experience inflammation, bloating, a slower metabolism, even diseases like cancer. eat right for your blood type The best way to avoid these effects is to eat foods to your blood type.
All foods are divided into three categories according to Eat Right for the type of project:
Very beneficial
eat right for your blood type
Beneficial to your blood type, such as legislation of food medicine, neutral foods like food, avoid foods "acts as a poison," says D'Adamo.
eat right for your blood type
For example, type Os should steer clear of whole wheat and wheat germ because "eating gluten is like putting the wrong kind of octane in your car ... eat right for your blood type it clogs the works, "says D'Adamo. eat right for your blood type
What the experts say diets
eat right for your blood type
"In the system itself are generally good diet recommendations," said David W. Grotto, RD, LD, a former spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly American Dietetic Association). eat right for your blood type "D'Adamo does not say avoid fruits and vegetables, for example - but specific recommendations based on blood type - the science is not there to support it, I am not aware that anyone has duplicated his research. eat right for your blood type ".
The assumption that each blood type thrive on certain foods but not others also gives Grotto break. eat right for your blood type "I'm type O and apparently I would be feasting roadkill. eat right for your blood type Well, it does not work for me because I do not like meat. "
eat right for your blood type
Overall cave is not the plan, saying it traps people into dietary restrictions without taking into account individual needs and tastes.
Critics also refute D'Adamo theory that there is a link between certain blood types and specific diseases. eat right for your blood type Although the theory has long been studied, no conclusion has been reached, says Andrea Wiley, PhD, associate professor of anthropology at James Madison University Harrisonburg, Virginia
Food for Thought
As to why so many people have embraced eating right for your type diet, Wiley has a theory: "Dieting is one of those things that people feel hopeless .... eat right for your blood type The blood type diet appears to be more scientific [others]. "
eat right for your blood type
But it is precisely the absence of solid scientific knowledge purulent most experts.
"If this plan does not come from the global approach to blood type, I could not recommend it," says Cave, "but the philosophy of blood type is very vague and lack of knowledge."