Trap Workouts

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There are two trap building compound exercises not listed as a part of this trap workouts:

    Deadlift (Back)
    Seated Press Behind The Neck (Shoulders)

If you want large traps, I highly suggest that you incorporate both of these lifts into your weekly training schedule. I did not include either the deadlift or BTN press into the monster traps workout simply because I wanted this workout to be a stand alone routine. You can perform the monster traps workout on either shoulder day, or back day.

Traps are a small muscle group. trap workouts. Do NOT perform this workout more than once per week. You will not need more weekly trap stimulation.

Power Barbell Shrugs:

    Barbell Shrugs Warmup Sets - Perform 2 warmup sets of 5 reps each. Your first warmup set with be 60% of your working weight, and the second will be 80% of your working weight.
    trap workouts 1: Lifting Straps - You will need lifting straps or Versa Gripps for your working sets. trap workouts. You could attempt this approach without straps, but most likely your grip will give out before your traps.
 trap workouts 2:   Working Sets - Start with a weight that allows you to perform about 15 to 20 reps. Explosively shrug the barbell up for as many reps as possible, stopping near, or at failure. Continue to hold the bar! Take 3 deep breaths and perform as many reps as possible. Once again, keep holding the bar. trap workouts. trap workouts. Take 3 more deep breaths, and knock out as many reps as possible. Continue this pattern until you perform 40 total reps. Rest about 2-3 minutes between sets of barbell shrugs.trap workouts. When you can perform 25 reps right out of the gate before you have to start the "3 deep breath" pattern, add weight.

Dumbbell Shrug & Holds:

You will need a lighter weight for this exercise. trap workouts. I would start with 50 to 70% of your working weight for barbell shrugs. Slowly contract the weight up, and hold it at contraction for 3 deep breaths. Lower the weight, and repeat this rep pattern. When you can perform 10 total reps for both sets, add weight.